Posted in Cool Tools, Google Calendar, Student Workflow, Teacher Workflow

Master of Tasks

Are you a to-do list maker? Do you scribble down all of the things you need to do on whatever random piece of paper you find on your desk? Are you always searching for just the right way to keep track of your tasks? Have you ever had an “oh, &*@$!” moment because you forgot to do something that really needed to be done? Or, are you looking for a way to get your students to embrace organizational techniques that will help them get their work done? 

If any of these describe you, then do I have the solution you have been looking for! Google recently updated their TASK feature (embedded in Google Calendar) and made it an amazingly easy tool to use. It is now more robust, accessible in multiple ways, convenient and can help you make sure that you are in control of your tasks. In fact, it will make you the MASTER OF TASKS!

To learn how to be a master of tasks, check out this tutorial I created for the teachers in my district. Once you have mastered your tasks, make sure you teach your students to do the same!